Movie and film production has grown so much for the last two decades. While there's an arguable decline in terms of creative story telling, there's no doubt that commercial-wise the industry has never been this strong. Thanks to modern technology, CGIs more prominently, production and distribution has never been this fast-paced and seamless.
Sorin Misiriantu is one of the few directors around to witness the merging of the old- and new-school of film production. He remains part of the former by heart though, and this best explains the distinct creative flavor in his works. He may not be among the pillars, but he's certainly among the essential building blocks the film industry is founded on. Check out his list of works below:
Sorin Misiriantu started his film director career with:
2007 - "RATING"produced by Panorama Films Romania and presented at the Short Film Festival "Scurt/6" in Cluj, Romania
2006 - "FEEDBACK"produced by Panorama Films Romania. "Feedback" was selected in 2006 at the international film festival – T.I.F.F. Cluj-Napoca, Romania .
2006 - "U.E." - produced by Panorama Films Romania.
PRO T.V. - Guest of the “Good Morning” Show
TELE EUROPA NOVA – producer and director of the Comedy Show “The Flipped World"
C.D. Radio Cluj (Radio Guerilla) - Guest of the "Saturday morning winners".
2008 - Targu Mures National Theatre"The Gunpowder Barell"by Dejan Dukovski
2008 -Cluj Napoca National Theatre"Art"- by Yasmina Reza
2007 -Cluj Napoca National Theatre"The Ibis Bird"- a musical based on Dumitru Cerna's poems
2006 - Piatra Neamt Youth's Theatre "Face to Face"by Francis Joffo
2005 - Cluj Napoca National Theatre "Richard III / Rock Opera", by W.Shakespeare, more than 150 people involved (professional actors, techinicians, video-projections, special effects).
2005 - Cluj Napoca National Theatre "Between 5&7", by Emanuel Ciocu
2004 - Bucharest - La Scena "Simona"by Ştefan Caraman;
2004 - More Club "Robbery"by Emanuel Ciocu;
2003 - Cluj Napoca National Theatre "Trainspotting"by Harry Gibsonselected at the International Festival Lahore Pakistan(participated at the „Atelier“ Theatre Festival in Sfântu-Gheorghe, 2003 and "Lahore" International Festival Theatre in Pakistan, 2003);
2002 - Cluj-Napoca National Theatre "Queen of spades"by A.S. Puskin
2001 - Bucharest Comedy Theatre "When I want to wistle, I do"by Andreea Vălean
2001 - Cluj Napoca National Theatre"Lacuna"by Eugen Ionesco;
2000 - Cluj Napoca National Theatre "Marriage`s request", by A.P. Chechov
2000 - Baia Mare Municipal Theatre "Twelft Night", by William Shakespeare
1998 - Cluj Napoca National Theatre"Mad Game"by Sorin Misiriantu
1996 - Cluj Napoca National Theatre "If I were a king"by Radu Stanca (colaborated with the rockband Talitha Qumi. present at the Mediaeval Festival in Sighisoara ).